Jayavel foundation offers property management services and solutions to NRI clients and customers who need professional assistance to protect their property. Our enthusiastic team is well connected with government and private agencies, where you will be informed about the latest market trends and help solve any problems.
The Following are the services offered to our clients:
Fencing: Purchasing a property is worthy where it is essential to protect them. It is not possible for owners who are far from the property. Jayavel foundation offers a solution to protect your property. Our team will visit your property frequently and keep it clean. We're fixing a fence to ensure your property's safety intrusion or misuse.
Rental: Evaluate your property and fix your rental rate. We market your property for rent. After a thorough background check, find the ideal tenant for your property. We take care of everything from the rental collection and depositing to your account, handling the tenant complaints, routine maintenance, etc.
Leasing: Property marketing to customers through advertisements or other services. Inspection has been arranged. The desired tenant is identified after verification. Finalizing after complying with the terms of the lease.